domingo, 18 de maio de 2014

China, from red to green?

Today, China is one of the most developing countries in the world and perhaps the biggest economic growth the world has ever seen. The big question is how to sustain such economic growth - around 10 per cent a year - without causing damages to the environment, and considering the impact of China's growth it can not only impact on their own country but in all planet, affecting all ecosystems and living species in the world.
In the most coal consumer country, in every two years, China adds the equivalent of the country of Brazil to its power grid.
How to do it sustainably? Or even, can it be done sustainably?
The PBS E2 series discusses how it is being done and the next steps to achieve China's sustainable development.

Source: PBS 2009, 'China: from red to green?', accessed 18 May 2014, <>

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