segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2014

Barcelona - sustainable urban planning

For the last three decades Barcelona has been regarded as a good example of urban planning, especially after the Olympic Games in 1992, when the coastal industrial zone was revitalized an until today is an example of waterfront area.
Continuing the urban development, the City has been trying to continue the legacy of environmental, economic and social sustainable development.
The main project was the waterfront, which open an industrial area to public use and the change impacted in the air and water quality. Continuing the project development, the 'Forum Park' was designed to treat city's sewage, just in front of the sea, and on the top of it people will be able to enjoy its gardens and open spaces. It also produces energy and the heat produced is used to make hot and cold water circulate in the subsoil of the district.
Another project going on is related to automobiles - in Barcelona they occupy up to 70% of public space - called 'supermanzanas' or super street blocks, island of 400 x 400 m of buildings in which cars can only entry in small streets circulating at 10km/h, cutting traffic by 25% and changing the life into the city by opening room for the creation of new public areas.
Lastly, the council is trying to mix the uses between commercial and residential in order to renew the neighborhoods, and improving the transport by setting up a single fare system as happens in other cities and by implementing the shared bicycle system.
Following the trend of developing/renewing sustainable cities, Barcelona is for the last three decades and still a good example of it.

Source: Colomé, J 2011, 'How Barcelona is aiming to become the leader in sustainable urban planning', Urban World: Urban Sustainable Mobility, Vol. 2 ,Issue 5, pp. 30-34.

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