domingo, 23 de março de 2014

From downcycle to upcycle

Diminish our consumption and reduce our waste is not bad, and actually the 3R's politics - reduce, reuse, recycle -  is worthwhile, but the process keeps on and on, the base of our production and the design process works against success. So, being less bad is no good.

What could be effectively successful would be to change the process from its origin. Why a building just save energy instead of produce it? Why can't factories produce effluents that are drinking water? Why can't our products be designed with components that could be fully separated when recycled so they could be reused as a new one, without loss of its potential? Why can't
our waste help the environment through its nutrients that can be food for plants?

The upcycle principle goes beyond the actual recycling process - in which some valuable materials are combined to other elements, making them useless or less durable, or capable of being recycled for only a few times - it is based on the 'endless' use for valuable raw materials and on the return of nutrients to the soil after waste materials decomposes, instead of polluting it with toxic components, and so, making a cyclic process that preserves the resources, the environment, and us as well.

Source - Braungart, M; McDounough, W 2009, Cradle to Cradle: remaking the way we make things, Vintage Books, London.

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