segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014

Masoro Village

Sustainability is not only environmental, but also economic and social. The capacity of a society to  maintain itself economically and socially with equality is as important as to maintain its natural environment's potential to absorb wastes and reproduce itself over the time.
A lot of countries are far from achieve this goal in all this aspects, and moreover, despite of some exceptions, the mankind itself is clearly quite distant from  being environmental, economical and socially sustainable.
One interesting project that intends to improve - or implement - these principles is the 'Earth Bag Projects', by GAC, in Rwanda. The architects team offered their work to help local people to build their homes, in a place where almost everything is imported. So, working with local materials - soil from the site - and applying some simple building techniques with local workforce they are helping the Rwanda people - especially the low-income ones - and helping to improve sustainability in all aspects.
More about the project here.

Survant, T, 2014, Support GA Collaborative’s Earthbag Projects in Rwanda: Building Community Through Creative Construction, accessed 14 April 2014 <>
Survant, T, 2013, Masoro Village Project. accessed 14 April 2014 <>

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